Caravan (Ripple ver.)
Caravan (Ripple ver.) /
cloudchair + liquid weeld
MMRDL-04 : murmur records
Released in 2010
- Caravan (Ripple Ver.)
cloudchairの配信シングル“Echoes And Whispers”に収録されている”Caravan”をliquid weeldがリミックス。
Liquid Weeld remixed of musical piece “caravan” collected in EP “Echoes And Whispers” of cloudchair.
The tone of a glittering acoustic guitar on sparse glitches by Liquid Weeld seems to be a microcosm.
The tone of a glittering acoustic guitar on sparse glitches by Liquid Weeld seems to be a microcosm.
- Guitars
- Jake
- Compose & Noise
- Yuki Aida