今週のつぶやき 2009-09-12
- 2009-09-12 (土)
- カテゴリー: Tweets
- 昨夜は独りでライブに出演した。ギターの音だけで観客を踊らせる事が出来た。そりゃあ楽しかった! #
- I performed the show by myself yesterday. I let audience dance only with my guitar. It was very pleasant! #
- Shirakava Echo / cloudchair http://twiturm.com/e8bi #
- 2日連続のソロギター演奏でのライブが終了。自分にとっての挑戦的な試みだったが、非常にやりがいを感じた。可能性の広がりを感じた2日間だった。 #
- I finished the live performances of my solo guitar yesterday. That was the hard experiment, but great experience. #
- Flatbacker live in Japan @SolangeNoir I love this early sound of them. ♫ http://blip.fm/~d0x09 #
- RT @SolangeNoir One of my fav songs, ever. From one of my very fav guitarists. RT @cloudchair http://twiturm.com/hip8 #
- いただきもののキャビアをご飯にのせて食べた。やっぱ日本人ならこの食べ方でしょ。 #
- I ate caviar on rice today. I think it's a Japanese style. #
- Snow White
- Her point of view
- We love the narrow place
- We too
- The world is magic
j #
- 手乗りコアラ Koala on a hand
- Drops on the web
- Fragile sphere
- Favorite hat
- RT @maxwellwatters @cloudchair great name #
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